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Fire Arrows

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

One of my favorite of Gary Larsen’s Far Side cartoons has two pioneers crouching behind their circled wagons, gazing in horror at a group of attacking Indians.

“Hey!” one gasps. “They're lighting their arrows! Can they do that?”

They can, they do, and they will.

I often marvel at those – myself included – who refuse to admit the possibility of change. For some, it will always be 1955, or 1967, or 1988, or 2002. We have ways of setting up “defensive perimeters” that ensure no news, no convictions, no transformations ever penetrate that happy time, whenever it was, when life was good, technology was understandable, and people did pretty much what we expected them to do.

We are always astonished when our favorite restaurant closes, our favorite TV show loses its zip, when people suddenly behave in unfathomable ways. I remember an interview on cable news the day after 9/11, as one gobsmocked anchor earnestly asked the designated Middle East expert, “What are these terrorists trying to communicate?”

“They’re not trying to communicate anything,” the expert replied. “They’re trying to kill you.”

The anchor just stared at him, blinking.

A lot of us, these last few weeks, have been staring, blinking, at our TVs – or making a deliberate choice not to do so. Like Miracle Max in The Princess Bride, we run around our living rooms crying, “I’m not listening! I’m not listening!” in the fervent hope that some incredible new COVID cure will suddenly appear, Black Lives Matter will sign a non-aggression pact, the Chinese will renounce Communism, Vladimir Putin will embrace Christianity, the Democrats will denounce abortion, and the Republicans will successfully undergo spine implants.

Or, better yet, that we’ll wake up and find that Mr. Reagan is still president.

T’ain’t likely. More likely, the Indians who’ve been shooting fire arrows will suddenly begin launching nuclear missiles.

This is America. Our children don’t hate Washington and Lincoln. Our media are fair and balanced. Our leaders don’t talk seriously of erasing the Constitution. And everyone is proud of our strong Christian heritage.

We’re not listening. We’re not listening.

Earlier this week, a prominent CNN anchor (he would want me to mention his name) was explaining how awful all of the Founding Fathers were, but then helpfully acknowledged that, “Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe – if that’s who you believe in – admittedly was not perfect when he was here on earth.” No one corrected him.

The same two or three generations who have no idea of the true character of Washington, Lincoln, Columbus, also have no real idea who Jesus was. Which means:

1) Christians have our work cut out for us, should we choose to accept the challenge, and

2) the same ignorance that gives the Millennials and the media carte blanche for destroying every trace of our American heritage gives them license to attempt the same with Jesus ... and you, “if that’s who you believe in.”

If they can tear down statues and burn down stores and restaurants, they can take out the churches. A great many pastors have already been persuaded that it’s in their best interest to close up shop indefinitely, and many state and local governments are working to extend those shutdowns for as long as possible. If you don’t know that … you’re not listening. Or reading. Or looking over the wall, now and then, to see what the Indians are up to.

Watch,” Jesus said, again and again, to His disciples. We are not called to obliviousness, to naivete', to a wistful pretense that today is yesterday. Our witness is to the world of today, and tomorrow – and that world looks like it may require a very different testimony than the one that sufficed for Billy Graham … the one we met, once upon a time, with youth choir musicals and Monday night outreach programs.

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you …

“… but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you … if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.” *

Good time to be sure of our churches and our pastors. To read our Bibles – and keep apace of current events. To watch. To listen. To pray. And pray. And gather others to pray.

The other team is lighting their arrows. They can use them. And they will.

* 1 Peter 4

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