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Some men grow old doing good

Some age as well dealing mean

Some live long enough for both

And every choice in-between.

A few come to repent of their evil

But most learn to take pride in their wrong

Some find grace sufficient, but more

Know fate – like pride – is strong.

Are there evils too deep for redemption?

Is hope the way good is seduced?

Repentance cannot replace justice

Evil’s erased, not reduced.

So what of this man, once wicked

In whom goodness, at some point, took root

And flowered and grew, ‘til the evil he knew

Was rendered moribund, moot?

His end belies his beginnings

But Memory’s cruel, and selects

The moments a man is defined by

The point at which fate intersects.

The noon of truth illumines – and blinds

The night overtakes the slow dawn

They can’t let the beginning end now

His good dies, his evil lives on.

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