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Whitewashing Tyranny

Updated: May 17, 2022

The primarily White supporters of the Freedom Convoy argue that pandemic mandates infringe upon their constitutional rights to freedom. The notion of ‘freedom’ was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one’s entitlement to freedom is a key component of White supremacy [sic]. This explains why the Freedom Convoy members see themselves as entitled to freedom, no matter the public health consequences to those around them.”

That quote – from an op-ed printed this week in The Washington Post – certainly tells you everything you need to know about the sympathies of that publication’s management. It also explains, perhaps, why Canadian police, at the clear urging of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, felt free to let loose on the truckers this weekend.

As one onlooker reported in National Review (a publication itself not overly sympathetic to the truckers):

“Thanks to independent media coverage and live streamers – the ones who weren't arrested – we saw footage of several police punch and kick an unarmed protester; horses trampled two people, including a woman on a scooter; they smashed truck windows after truckers had surrendered for arrest after agreement that they could return; they tried to stop further press coverage; and they encircled a man having a heart attack and wouldn't let anyone else help him.”

You’re allowed to be a thug, if the people you’re victimizing are “racists.” And in the newsroom of the Post – as in pretty much every other existing corridor of political power – anyone who disagrees with a radical regime is, by definition, racist.

Of course, the racism might be hard to explain to Hazel, a smiling participant in the Freedom Convoy, who cheerfully explained to a reporter that she was carrying on a family tradition. Her Kenyan mother spent three years in prison for fighting colonial rule.

“Now I feel like I’m carrying the torch!” she said. Ah, "torches" – there you go. Will the bigotry never end?

Probably not. The real bigotry, at least – the contempt of those in power for ordinary souls who dare to disagree with them. There will always be tanks enough to mow down those who take to the streets to call for liberty … for that ideal doesn’t square with the agenda of the elite.

That’s probably why not a single world leader has offered a word of concern or protest, as the tyrant Trudeau crushes the rights and freedom of his own people, like an eight-year-old stomping ants on the back porch.

Here’s what “stomping” looks like, in Canada today, as reported by John Daniel Davidson of The Federalist:

“Protesters can have their bank accounts frozen, and so can people who simply donate to protesters. Crowdfunding platforms and payment service providers must cease all services to anyone they suspect might be participating in “illegal blockades,” and report it to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Truckers can have their commercial and private drivers’ licenses revoked, and can lose their insurance and their vehicles.

“Even more ominously, Canadian government officials are now warning parents who bring their children to “illegal assemblies,” or even provide food or fuel to protesters, that they could not only face jail time and steep fines, they could lose custody of their children.”

Taking children from their “racist” parents is a duty – a mercy, even. You understand.

A month ago, officials at an Amsterdam airport pulled a man from the wheel well of a cargo plane just in from South Africa. He’d been hanging on for dear life for more than 11 hours, and like most people who try that (well over a 100, during the last 75 years) he had no body temperature to speak of.

At 38,000 feet or so – where most big planes fly – temperatures are usually around 80 below zero, with 20 percent less oxygen available for breathing. You can stay warm if you snuggle up to the tire or wrap yourself in hydraulic lines, but they, too, get cold pretty quickly. That leaves most people with what divers refer to as “the bends” (nitrogen gas embolisms), and a sad tendency to drift off and not wake up when the wheel wells open beneath them again.

Sometimes, bodies are found frozen solid. Sometimes, people who live near airports have bodies drop down from above into their garden, or even onto their roof.

The only reason a handful survive is that the same cold that’s lowering their body heat also lowers their breathing rate; sometimes, you can come back from that, if you find something to hold on tight to during the landing.

People try it from everywhere, though it’s mostly minority people fleeing war-torn and impoverished Third World countries. They want the chance – they’re willing to die for the chance – to find a better life … some new opportunity … maybe even freedom.

Most die without knowing how racist they are.

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